Honda Element Manual Transmission - When to change tranny fluid & what kind? File
MTInitial fill 7.6 quarts Coolant change ATInitial fill 7.5 quarts Engine. I need to know the type of transmission, fluid type and. 99 Honda Accord manual transmission 4cl. Is it possible to convert a car with a manual transmission to an How to change transmission oil filter on 2003 Honda element. AMSOIL Products for the 2006 HONDA ELEMENT.
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What most people dont know is the S2000 transmission was not made by Honda it was. From time to time you need to change your Honda Element transmission oil. I change my trans fluid everytime it. My last car was a Honda Accord with 130,000 miles. Can I buy any type of Trans fluid or should it be genuine Honda fluid? Find great deals on eBay for honda element manual transmission and honda element.